Every Scar Tells a Story Book
The Every Scar Tells a Story Book is life-inspired and a realistic guide of how to life powerfully with a disability.

Every Scar Tells a Story Book is an insightful, reality based book about living with a disability. Inspired by the real life of Victoria Mavis, it features fifty-four-year-old Liz Harris. She is smart, talented, nearly broke, and has a disability to which she attributes her shortfalls in life. In desperation, she turns to life coach Rhonda Jackson, who professionally thrives but not personally. Can Rhonda help—or will she be stopped as others have by disabled Liz’s halting gate? Despite her visceral reaction to Liz’s disability, Rhonda pushes beyond her tragic past to help. Together they rise above the hurdles and continue on a journey to their success. The result is both women are now on the path towards an empowered life. 

What Disability Difficulties Exist in Every Scar Tells a Story?

Liz wants to resolve her inner conflicts: feelings of rejection, self-doubt, and inadequacy stemming from a childhood injury. However, it’s difficult to get beyond her memory of the accident that left her disabled and reliant on a wheelchair for mobility.

As the story unfolds, Liz identifies events that strained the relationship with her adoptive parents, doomed her marriage, and stalled her career. However, she’s unwilling to reveal the secret of the injury which caused her disability. Although this can set her heart free, it could also irreparably damage the relationship with her sister, Carla. This denial halts her work with Rhonda and breaks their relationship. 

After reflecting, Liz sets out on a sixteen-hundred-mile trip only accompanied with her forearm crutch named, ‘Steve’ and wheelchair in the trunk. Her hopes are to put the horror of her injury and the events that caused it behind her. If she is successful, perhaps it will end the haunting nightmares and transform her resentment for what she doesn’t have into gratitude for the great life she does have. Only then can she focus on a future filled with peace, self-fulfillment, and love. 

Success Can Be Yours Too!

Inspired by the life of Victoria Mavis, the characters in the Scar Story book, share insights to overcome daily adversities. Readers can follow as she triumphs over her disability and develop their own technique to unleash true potential to rise above life challenges.

I hope you enjoy and get inspired by the book, Every Scar Tells a Story. Trust me—it goes far beyond overcoming disabilities; it’s about conquering difficult times in life—despite your circumstance! ~Victoria Mavis